Researcher / Photographer
I am a third-year Master student at Intelligent Computing Laboratory, SIGS, Tsinghua University, supervised by Prof. Dr. Xiu Li. I got my bachelor's degree from Ocean College, Zhejiang University. I had a great time as an exchange student in CAMP, Technical University of Munich, supervised by Prof. Dr. Nassir Navab, working with Dr. Federico Tombari, Kunyi Li.
My research interest lies in applying machine learning methods for computer vision and robotics to tasks such as pose estimation, 3D reconstruction, and navigation in challenging environments.
Some of my close collaborators include Dr. Gu Wang, Jingyi Tang, Bowen Fu.
Currently, I'm actively seeking for a PhD position in Fall, 2025.
[Jul 2024] One paper accepted to ECCV 2024!
[Jul 2024] One paper accepted to IROS 2024!
[Jan 2024] One paper published in RA-L and accepted by ICRA2024!
IROS 2024 [3D Reconstruction]
UW-SDF: Exploiting Hybrid Geometric Priors for Neural SDF Reconstruction from Underwater Multi-view Monocular Images [Paper]
Zeyu Chen, Jingyi Tang, Gu Wang, Shengquan Li, Xinghui Li, Xiangyang Ji, and Xiu Li
RA-L/ICRA2024 [6D Pose Estimation]
ECCV 2024 [6D Pose Estimation]
FAFA: Frequency-Aware Flow-Aided Self-Supervision for Underwater Object Pose Estimation [Paper]
Jingyi Tang*, Gu Wang*, Zeyu Chen, Shengquan Li, Xiu Li, and Xiangyang Ji
An interactive educational game developed using Unity, adapted from the traditional Chinese Lantern Festival custom of Bench Dragon Lanterns. The project has received multiple awards in various gaming competitions.
A two-player cooperative puzzle game.